I have completed playing through the Lego Harry Potter Year 5-7 DS game, at points I tried to find a full walkthrough for the DS version of the game but was unable to find anything. So in order to give something back to the Nintendo DS world, I’ve decided to create my own walkthrough as I re-play the game.
You may also want to check out Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 for Xbox 360 or Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 on the Nintendo Wii
as the DS game is doesn’t have everything the larger console games do.
I will be posting separate posts for each chapter of the game while I re-play it, once I have finished I will combine all of my posts together to create a full walkthrough which you can print off and use.
I hope you find this useful, please comment with your thoughts as this is my first ever walkthrough.
Ok then…
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 Walkthrough for Nintendo DS and 3DS
Year 7 – Part 2 – Chapter 3
Hogwarts Battle
Next to the statue at the top left of the screen, you’ll see an arch covered with devils snare. Use the ‘Lumos’ spell on the devils snare to reveal a watering can. Use the ‘Arguamenti’ spell on the watering can and then use the ‘WL’ spell to pour the water over the fire.
(Seamus Finnigan Character) – To the bottom right and top left of the screen you’ll see a statue, use the ‘Reducto’ spell on the statues.
Head through the door way and switch your character to Ron (or another weasley character in free play mode). Press the A button to use the ‘Weasley Wizard Wheeze Box (WWWB)’ to gain a pair of sucker pads. Use the sucker pads to make your way up the Weasley walkway.
At the top of the walkway you’ll see the third statue, use the ‘Reducto’ spell on the statue to reveal the Seamus Finnigan Character token.
(Wizards Hat) Before continuing, use the ‘Arguamenti’ spell on the three small fires around the area (1 at the top of the walkway and the other two on the ground) to gain a Wizards Hat.
Make your way back up the walkway again and use the ‘WL’ spell on the two cogs lying on the floor to raise the gate and release the troll.
Exit to next area via the blue platform.
Make your way along the path, shooting the death eater and crates.
You’ll enter an area with the troll, make your way around the area and put out the fires to make it easier to move around.
(Unlock Three Characters) – Head towards the troll and then to the far right and you’ll see a silver rock in the foundations, shoot it and you’ll unlock three Characters.
(Gregory Goyle Character) – (Free Play Mode) Switch to a ‘Dark Magic’ character and use ‘Dark Magic’ on the red and black wall under the Troll to gain the Gregory Goyle Character token.
Head back through the opening to the bottom of the area and switch your character to Hermione and use the Hermione Bag Spot to reveal some Lego pieces. Use the ‘WL’ spell on the pieces to build a golf club and then use the ‘WL’ spell on the golf club to hit the troll with the golf ball.
Head to the top of the area and you’ll see some bricks have appeared, use the ‘WL’ spell on the bricks to make a set of stairs and head up the stairs.
(Wizards Hat) – Stand in the yellow ring and press and hold the A button to transport your character to another room where you’ll gain a Wizards Hat.
Head back through the yellow ring and shoot the death eater at the other end of the platform and continue through the doorway and continue via the blue platform to the Hogwarts Gatehouse.
Make your way through the area until you see the troll guarding the Hogwarts Gatehouse.
(Wizards Hat) – (Free Play Mode) Switch to Luna Lovegood and use the ‘Spectraspecs’ ability to make a pile of Lego bricks visible. Use the ‘WL’ spell to create a Hermione Bag Spot and switch your character to Hermione. Use the Bag Spot to find a watering can and use the ‘Arguamenti’ spell on the watering can to fill it up. Use the ‘WL’ spell on the watering can to put out the fire and gain the Wizards Hat.
Switch your character to Harry Potter and use the ‘Invisibility Cloak’ ability to sneak past the Troll.
Head to the right hand side of the Troll and move the cloak. Use the ‘Diffindo’ spell on the red wall and then use the ‘WL’ spell on the red Lego pieces to create a musical box and move the Troll.
(Mr Ollivander Character) – (Free Play Mode) Head to the left hand side of the Boathouse doorway and switch your character to either Fred or George Weasley and use the ‘Decoy Detector’ ability (press the Y button to detonate) to destroy the black and orange box and gain the Mr Ollivander Character token.
Exit via the blue platform to the Boathouse.
(Professor Vector Character) – (Free Play Mode) Head the left and you’ll see a wardrobe with a red and black padlock. Switch to a ‘Dark Magic’ character (e.g. Professor Umbridge) and use ‘Dark Magic’ to break off the padlock. Use the ‘WL’ spell on the little boat to place it in the water.
Head to the far right of the room and use the Hermione Bag Spot to gain another little boat. Use the ‘WL’ spell on the boat to put it in the water. The boats will circle the water revealing the Professor Vector Character token in the water.
Use the ‘WL’ spell on the boat to the top left of the area to reveal a Hermione Bookcase. Switch your character to Hermione to use the bookcase and gain a cog.
Head to the far right and place the cog on the machine indicated by the white arrow. Pull the lever to the right to lower a boat.
(Wizards Hat) – Head round to the right and use the ‘Arguamenti’ spell on the water canister to gain a Wizards Hat.
(Tom Riddle Character) – Stand to the north of the room by the water and you’ll see a silver platform in the water, use the ‘Reducto’ spell on the platform to let you gain access to the Tom Riddle Character token in the water.
(Funny Jump Red Brick) – (Free Play Mode) Switch to Luna Lovegood and use the ‘Spectraspecs’ ability on the semi-transparent Yellow transformation ring to the bottom right of the room. Use the Yellow transformation ring to transport to a secret room. Switch your character to a character with the ‘Key’ ability (e.g. Bogrod) and use the ‘Key’ ability to open the green safe and gain the Funny Jump Red Brick.
Head back through the Yellow transportation ring.
Head to the bottom left of the room and use the ‘Lumos’ spell on the devils snare holding the anchor. Then use the ‘WL’ spell on the anchor to attached it to the pulley and raise the boat in the water.
While on the left hand side of the room, switch your character to Ron and use the ‘Deluminator’ ability to gain the light from the lamp and head to the far right hand side of the room. You’ll see another lamp, use the ‘Deluminator’ ability to light this lamp and lower the last boat. Collect the item from the boat and give it to Professor Snape.
Now exit via the blue platform.
Characters Gained During the Chapter
- Albert Runcorn – 500,000 Studs
- Gellert Grindelwald – 500,000 Studs
- Gornuk – 15,000 Studs
- Helga Hufflepuff – 500,000 Studs
- Hufflepuff Boy – 10,000 Studs
- Hufflepuff Girl – 10,000 Studs
- Hufflepuff Prefect – 12,000 Studs
- Igor Karkaroff – 30,000 Studs
- Seamus Finnigan (Token) – 20,000 Studs
- Gregory Goyle (Token) – 20,000 Studs
- Mr Ollivander (Token) – 30,000 Studs
- Professor Vector (Token) – 25,000 Studs
- Tom Riddle (Token) – 500,000 Studs
Red Brick
- Funny Jump
Wizards Hats
- 1 (True Wizard)
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5